Geheel tegen hun vaste gewoonte in waren Frank en Marga van Akkeren niet in staat om in het afgelopen voorjaar van 2015 naar Pacung af te reizen en daar gedurende twee maanden …Lees meer

Ni Putu Juliasih

Hello, my name is Ni Putu Juliasih, S.Pd. I am a teacher for elementary school children. Trained as a teacher of the Indonesian language …Lees Meer

Coen Pustjens

Coen Pustjens (werkzaam als International Political Consultant)en zijn vriendin Haweya reisden drie maanden over de wereld en bezochten ook Pacung. Coen studeerde politicologie en zat als kleuter bij Marga in de klas. …Lees Meer

Wiebke Endres

In oktober 2012 heeft Wiebke Endres uit Bremen, docente Fysica, Chemie en Wiskunde, twee weken meegewerkt op de pasraman. …Lees Meer

Gede Pena Setiawan

This centre is very special to me personally because besides its existence, which is already very exceptional, it provides space for each teacher to grow, develop and be innovative …Lees Meer

Michael Oppatja

Op Bali gebeurt al een aantal jaren iets bijzonders en wij waren daar deze zomer heel even getuige van. Een groep leerkrachten, en wat wij in Nederland onderwijsondersteunend personeel zouden noemen, gooien daar dagelijks een kiezel in het water en de rimpels worden tegen de stroom in zichtbaar …Lees Meer

Marian de Ruijter en Ans Vervoort

IIn 2012 waren wij op zoek naar een leuke, niet toeristische plek in Noord- Bali en zo kwamen wij in contact met Frank en Marga. …Lees Meer

Made Adi

I am Made Adi. I work as general manager, Kindergarten (PAUD) facilitator and world orientation teacher for all levels from kindergarten to Junior and Senior Highschool. …Lees Meer

Ketut Aniarsa

My initial motivation to come to the centre was to know where my child went after school and why she liked it so much. I was the first parent to show interest and went to join an outing to a Buddhist temple. …Lees Meer


I am Made, a 39-year-old formally trained school teacher still working at a formal school too. I’m married and have two children. I have worked at this foundation …Lees Meer

Wayan Purne

I’m Wayan Purne. I am a PAUD facilitator, a teacher in OD for SD, SMP, SMP-SMA. I still remember when I just arrived at YGRP, …Lees Meer

Ngakan Putu Angga Nantha Wijaya

Learning with children is always inspiring me. Plenty ideas of games, activities and stories that make the children happy is the true happiness …Lees Meer

Kadek Irma Kurnia

I am Kadek Irma Kurnia, the most recent BSB teacher who has only joined one and a half year ago. At first, I felt that learning was only focused on reading, writing and arithmetic, but I …Lees Meer


I am, Mrs.Wayan, sweetly called so by BSB children. I teach elementary school children. I am a housewife who loves the world of education very much. I am someone who has grown into it since BSB Bali …Lees Meer

Kadek Mastrini

My name is Kadek Mastrini. I am kindergarten teacher. I work here more than seven years now. I am thankful to be able to join this family. At the beginning, I worked here just to support the family …Lees Meer

Ni Luh Purniawati

I am Ni Luh Purniawati, called Purni. I am the kindergarten teacher. I joined BSB very young and YGRP gave me the opportunity to study education at university. After my graduation I became …Lees Meer

Nyoman Adriani

My name is Nyoman Adriani. I have been a teacher for kindergarten children for ten years. I was not really a teacher, instead, I was just a housewife. Due the economic condition of the family, I decided to work as a teacher for kindergarten in …Lees Meer

Nengah Mini

I got to know this foundation when I accompanied a friend’s child to learn in PAUD at the center. Because she was in my care, I came every day and stayed. I was interested in the kindergarten class. It was unique and interesting. …Lees Meer